Dave Nagel
Request AvailabilityDave Nagel has been a professional developer and educational consultant both nationally and internationally since 2003 and has done so as his primary job in education since 2008. Prior was a middle and high school science teacher and administrator in a large district in Indianapolis. As a school leader at Ben Davis High School (enrollment 3000 students) Dave was instrumental in developing a focused plan for differentiated goals for students based on specific proficiency measures which supported the school in improving its graduation rate 14% in just over 4 years.
Dave’s primary areas of expertise are in the areas of effective teacher and leader collaboration, assessment and feedback, and specifically effective grading actions both at the school and classroom level. He has been working specifically with Professor John Hattie’s Visible Learning research since 2011 that is a driving force for all of his work with teachers, coaches, and administrators. He has authored 5 books previous to this one, including four within the PLC+ series of publications (Corwin).
Published multiple times in various publications such as Principal Leadership and Educational Leadership, Dave has also presented at various national conferences.
Dave has a strong moral aspect, strives to be very relatable and practical when working with people, and has a savvy sense of humor that supports him in his life and work. Dave stays very busy with his beautiful and supportive wife, Kristen, and three boys (ages 20, 15, and 13). He acknowledges every day that the Lord guides his actions and is the driving force in his life. Dave is an independent consultant for Corwin Press and is the owner of NZJ Learning LLC (named after his three boys) and the Founder of The Center for Collaborative Expertise.
- PLCs
- Implementing the ELA standards
- Prioritizing standards
- Common formative assessments
- Building authentic performance tasks
- Effective use of scoring guides
- Professional learning teams
- Effective grading practices
- Develop and Understanding and Plan for Implementing the ELA Common Core Standards!: This interactive seminar for both administrators and teachers describes how to create classroom tools and devise/augment plans for successful implementation of CCSS. Participants will leave with an action plan as well as some draft assessment items and tasks that will be targeted to the Common Core Standards and the assessment system their state has adopted (Smarter Balanced or PARCC).
The Common Formative Assessments 2.0 series of services provide educators with the skills to collaboratively create, with a grade-level or course-level team, unit-based assessments for learning to assess student understanding of the particular learning intentions (standards or outcomes) and success criteria currently in focus within a curricular unit of study.
Certified In
- Distance Learning
- PLC+
- Rebound
- Success Criteria
- Teacher Clarity
- Visible Learning+ Foundation Series
- Visible Learning+ Impact Series
- Visible Learning+ Impact Coaching
- Visible Learning+ School Capability Assessment
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