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The Common Core Mathematics Companion: The Standards Decoded, Grades K-2
What They Say, What They Mean, How to Teach Them
Series Creator: Jim Burke
This book is modeled after Jim Burke’s successful Common Core Companion Series. It is the first of two books (K-2, 3-5) in the series. The book will include a clear explanation of the mathematics within each domain, cluster, and standard and suggested grade level appropriate visual models and representations. It is a book for math teachers who may or may not be math specialists. As teachers plan and develop their curriculum, this book will help them determine important mathematics in a cluster and how that mathematics connects from one grade to the next as well as within a grade.
Product Details
- Grade Level: K-2
- ISBN: 9781483381565
- Published By: Corwin
- Series: Corwin Mathematics Series
- Year: 2015
- Page Count: 256
- Publication date: April 14, 2015
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