Douglas Fisher
Request AvailabilityDouglas Fisher is professor and chair of educational leadership at San Diego State University and a leader at Health Sciences High and Middle College. Previously, Doug was an early intervention teacher and elementary school educator. He is a credentialed teacher and leader in California. In 2022, he was inducted into the Reading Hall of Fame by the Literacy Research Association. He has published widely on literacy, quality instruction, and assessment, as well as books such as Welcome to Teaching, PLC+, Teaching Students to Drive their Learning, and Student Assessment: Better Evidence, Better Decisions, Better Learning.
- Common Core Implementation
- Gradual Release of Responsibility
- Text Complexity and Close Reading
- School-Wide Literacy Intervention
- Text dependent Questions
- Literacy in the Content Areas
Help All Readers Access Complex Text!: In this seminar, Frey and Fisher can provide whole schools with a professional learning experience in which participants, K-12, will learn step by step how to craft their own instructional plans around the 5 Access Points for Comprehending Complex Text:
- Purpose & Modeling
- Close & Scaffolded Reading
- Collaborative Conversations
- An Independent Reading Staircase
- Performance
Rigorous Reading: Call it close reading, call it deep reading, call it analytic reading—call it what you like. By any name, it’s a level of understanding that students of any age can achieve with the right kind of instruction. In this seminar, participants will find an instructional plan articulated so clearly, and so squarely built on research, that teachers, schools, and districts need look no further.
Attendees will be able to:
- Engage students in repeated discussions to help students delve into an author’s ideas
- Use text-dependent questions, prompts, and cues
- Offer feedback and assessments that help students demonstrate understanding
What People are Saying
“Doug gave one of the finest keynote addresses I have ever heard. He was engaging and has extraordinary expertise. People did not want him to end his presentation.”
-Gary Seastrand, Director, Center for the Improvement of Teacher and Education Schooling, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
Certified In
- Balanced Literacy
- Close & Critical Reading
- Distance Learning
- Engagement by Design
- How Tutoring Works
- PLC+
- Rebound
- Restorative Practices
- Simultaneous Learning
- Success Criteria Playbook
- Teacher Clarity
- Visible Learning+
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