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Leader Ready

Four Pathways to Prepare Aspiring School Leaders
By: Tim Cusack, Vince Bustamante

Foreword by Peter DeWitt
Afterword by John Hattie

This research-based framework uses professional knowledge, modeling, coaching, and guided and mastery experiences to create a clear path from support roles to confident, independent leadership.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781071916797
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2023
  • Page Count: 168
  • Publication date: June 06, 2023
Price: $40.95
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The solution for preparing excellent school leaders is right in front of you

The best way to prepare aspiring leaders for principalship is to offer hands-on opportunities to develop the skills they’ll need when they’re in charge. Being a principal calls for originality, innovation, and the ability to work under pressure. Yet so few assistant principals and other aspiring leaders actually get to develop these competencies in meaningful ways that prepare them to lead a school with confidence.

Leader Ready presents a framework that walks aspiring school leaders along the path to strong and independent principalship by using a mix of professional knowledge, modeling, coaching, guided experiences, and mastery experiences. Full of processes, action steps, and examples from the field, features include;

  • A research-based plan for creating better conditions for aspiring leaders
  • Guidance for achieving systemic professional growth throughout the school year
  • Analysis of school-leadership standards to inform practice
  • Voices of leaders, aspiring leaders, and experts from the field
The role of the principal is far more complex and challenging than ever before! It is critical that we guide more aspiring leaders to the role of principal. Leader Ready has the tools to help you achieve this! This book will provide aspiring leaders, principals, and district leaders with the know-how to build new generations of successful school leaders.


Tim Cusack photo

Tim Cusack

Timothy P. Cusack, EdD, has more than thirty-two years of experience as a classroom teacher, assistant principal, principal, and superintendent. Having taught in rural boards in northern and southern Alberta, Tim also has ten years of experience as school leader (K-12) and eight years of experience as a system leader of a large urban board in Edmonton. Tim currently serves as the Dean of Education of Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE), where he leads a teacher preparation program (After Degree in Education) and a Master of Education in Educational Leadership program. His doctoral research focuses on new teacher preparation, teacher mentorship, and leadership development. His dissertation (University of Portland 2020), which centered on preparing aspiring school leaders, evolved into his first book with Corwin—Leader Ready: Four Pathways to Prepare Aspiring School Leaders (2023).

Tim has worked with school jurisdictions across Canada and the United States in sharing his passion for leadership development and teacher mentorship. His service to public education has been recognized through the Council of School Leadership Distinguished Leadership Award (2014) and the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal (2023).

Tim also serves as a Naval Warfare Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy and brings a wealth of leadership experience, having served now for over thirty-five years, including tours as both an Executive and Commanding Officer. His experience in K-12 education, post-secondary leadership, and military leadership add richness and depth to his work as an educational consultant and author. More information about Tim may be found at www.timothycusack.com.

Vince Bustamante photo

Vince Bustamante

Vince Bustamante, EdD, is a Calgary-based instructional coach, curriculum content developer, and author. Vince specializes in working with teachers, leadership teams, schools, and school districts in implementing high impact strategies and systems. With a strong background in implementation, assessment, and deep learning, he is passionate about understanding and evaluating teachers' impact. Having worked with schools and school districts across North America and internationally, he brings a wide variety of experience and perspectives when looking at school improvement, pedagogical and leadership development, and implementation of high impact strategies across school environments. Vince’s doctoral research focused on the sustainable implementation of professional learning across school districts and the impact of long-term school partnerships.

Vince has co-authored two bestselling books with Corwin Press: Great Teaching by Design and The Assessment Playbook for Distance and Blended Learning. His other title, Leader Ready: Four Pathways to Prepare Aspiring School Leaders, is also available from Corwin Press. You can find more information about Vince at www.vincebustamante.com.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Foreword by Peter M. DeWitt

Your Guide to This Book

Chapter 1: An Answer to Leadership in Crisis

Chapter 2: Raising the Bar of Leadership Standard

Chapter 3: Creating a Culture for Implementation

Chapter 4: Planning Guided Leadership Experiences

Chapter 5: Attaining Mastery Experiences

Conclusion: Implementing the Four Roots





Price: $40.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.

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