Corwin provides sustained, job-embedded professional learning that supports educators to strengthen the knowledge, skills, dispositions, and practices that have the greatest influence on student growth and achievement.
The Corwin Difference
The most effective learning takes place by design, not by chance. That's why Corwin's professional learning services are tailored to address the needs of all learners: students, teachers, and leaders.
At the classroom, school, or district level, Corwin helps teachers and leaders know their effects on students. We work with the best in the field to develop research-based services and tools to evaluate teachers’ impact, enhance skills, and to adapt instruction accordingly—every day.
At Corwin, we provide K–12 school districts with concierge services to plan and implement exceptional, impactful professional learning. We partner with you to develop a customized, ongoing, job-embedded professional learning journey, based on your goals.
Why choose Corwin as your strategic partner in professional learning? When you partner with our experienced, highly engaging, accredited consultants, you will:
- Inspire and motivate your staff by offering a wide range of professional learning topics, based on Corwin’s breadth and depth of experience.
- Plan multiple sessions and create your ideal professional learning plan with flexible scheduling options and strategic advice.
Corwin Professional Learning Services
The four key areas of focus for Corwin’s professional learning services are teaching, learning, leading, and equity, identities, and belonging. At the heart of all we do, the key areas provide a well-rounded professional learning experience and offer many entry points to evaluate and accelerate your impact on educator and student learning.
We support you in gathering evidence and answering the following key questions in each area to prioritize your ongoing improvement efforts.
Learning | To what extent do learners intentionally think and act in ways that demonstrate that they know how to learn?
Teaching | To what extent do teachers intentionally think and act to make learning visible so that learners come to see themselves as their own teachers?
Leading | To what extent do school leaders intentionally think and act to build teacher expertise, foster individual and collective efficacy, and create environments in which learning and learners are the focus?
Equity, Identities, and Belonging | To what extent do learners, leaders, teachers, and the school community create a culture of trust and collaboration and intentionally think and act in ways that promote equity, identities, and belonging for all?
Our Theory of Change
Achieving results depends on following a consistent guiding philosophy. At Corwin, we call this philosophy our Theory of Action.

Four evidence-based structures and conditions in a district or school support the transfer of professional learning into school or classroom practice.
Context | Your local school environment, learning culture, and strategic priorities form the basis for your plan. Our strengths-based model identifies what you’re doing well, where there are gaps, and what type of professional learning will meet your goals. This context is the basis of a professional learning plan customized to your district’s or school’s unique needs.
Design | It’s essential for educators to measure the impact of their evidence-based, high quality professional learning experiences on students. It’s equally essential that professional learning opportunities help educators make sure that students can see and take ownership of their own learning. Corwin extends its engaging professional learning services by giving educators tools that help determine the impact and efficacy of their new learning.
Support | Educators need a structure in which to plan, apply, and implement their new or refined practices. Our professional learning services create a framework in which educators collaborate with both consultants and colleagues for ongoing feedback to develop the necessary skills and knowledge that will deepen their understanding and help them apply their learning.
Impact | The purpose of professional learning is straightforward: It must make a measurable, sustained impact on student learning. We help our partners evaluate their impact by giving them tools and support to see whether new practices are having their desired impacts on educators and student learning—not by chance, but by design.
Our Service Offerings
Under each of our professional learning services, we offer a range of service types from strategic planning days to custom implementation and coaching days. These offerings take educators from surface to deep to transfer levels of understanding and support educators in incorporating new knowledge and skills into their daily practice.
Strategic planning days | Strategic planning days allow district leadership teams to make decisions around the logistics, resources, and communications to ensure the successful launch and implementation of your professional learning plan.
Workshops | Workshops provide educators opportunities to acquire and apply new knowledge and skills by engaging, practicing, and modeling key concepts.
Implementation days | Services such as curriculum meetings, guided classroom visits, data analysis, and leadership coaching allow consultants and educators to collaborate in small groups to put strategies into action.
Coaching days | Examples may include consultants observing educators teaching and learning in real time, providing targeted feedback, working through the planning and implementation process, and problem solving.
Client certifications | Certifications equip district staff with the knowledge and techniques to deliver practical training in their school system or organization.
Our Delivery Modalities
As part of our commitment to delivering highly customized professional learning, we offer hybrid models of delivery that combine virtual and in-person experiences. This allows client schools and districts to not only create a learning journey that meets the needs of individual buildings and educators, but also creates opportunities that a single-delivery mode is unable to offer.
Sustain learning through live virtual sessions with Corwin consultants between in-person sessions.
Support adult differentiated learning by providing greater choice for time, place, path, content, or pace of learning through digital learning platforms.
Take advantage of creative scheduling by breaking up professional learning into smaller, more frequent, more digestible chunks rather than committing to full-day workshops.
Avoid the need for substitute teachers by incorporating live virtual professional learning sessions into regular team or departmental meeting times instead of full-day sessions.